Friday, 29 January 2010

The Magic Of Hypnosis

I already have written about hypnosis in one of my other posts (see Ultimate Mind Control ) ... since then I have studied this subject with fascination.

In the past two years, I have followed an online university in medical hypnosis (hypnotherapy training to help people with various problems), I have studied stage hypnosis, I learned some cool self hypnosis techniques... but the most fascinating and magic hypnosis in my opinion was the so called Ericksonian hypnosis, or covert hypnosis.

Why do I call covert hypnosis magic hypnosis... well, because it is something that you also can use in your everyday life, in almost any situation - and if you learn to put it to use you will be able to see magic happening right in front of you.

If you want to know details about covert hypnosis as well as the difference between various types of hypnosis visit this informative site
Best Hypnosis Courses .

On the lighter note, I want to share with you this entertaining (for some people scary) spoof on hypnosis I stumbled upon YouTube - I watched it over and over and found myself hypnotized by the voice, lol.

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