Friday, 9 November 2007

Simple magic tricks : Levitation

There are plenty of simple magic tricks which can be performed by "less gifted" like me and still have the "wow" effect despite their simplicity.

Levitation tricks

Some impressive levitation tricks will require cleverly made constructions and/or special props. For example, if you wondered how this Dutch guy 'Ramana' which has been all over the news did his levitation stunt in front of the White House ...

This is one of many old simple magic tricks originating from India! I was surprised the press swallowed it. If I'd been there I would not have hesitated to grab his butt ;-).

The trick here consists of a heavy frame (hidden under the carpet) which has a pole with a seat welded to it. Baggy clothing hides the seat so only the pole is visible but if you watched the video hard enough you could see the outline of the seat. Just watch this video from India exposing the trick:

Then there is so called Balducci levitation.

This levitation is so simple that kids can perform it and it looks amazing for someone who is not familiar with it... Just in case you don't know this trick, it's in the angle – you need to position yourself
about 45 degrees from the people i.e. if your audience is looking at you from 6 o'clock, turn away from them so that you face 10 to 11 'clock. Then - your feet parallel - slowly tip toe on your right foot (the one furthest away) while rising your left foot off the ground keeping it parallel to the floor.

Try it in front of a mirror, if your angle is correct it looks great. The only problem with "Balducci levitation" is that lot of people, especially kids know it, but that's the problem with most of the freely available magic tricks ... If you want to learn professional magic it's gonna cost you.

Many simple magic tricks are based on optical illusions - you can read more about it in my next post.


Anonymous said...

hey, cool

Anonymous said...

I like this kind of simple magic tricks, can you post more?

Anonymous said...

So that's how it is done! Thanks for letting us in on the secret.