Friday 29 January 2010

The Magic Of Hypnosis

I already have written about hypnosis in one of my other posts (see Ultimate Mind Control ) ... since then I have studied this subject with fascination.

In the past two years, I have followed an online university in medical hypnosis (hypnotherapy training to help people with various problems), I have studied stage hypnosis, I learned some cool self hypnosis techniques... but the most fascinating and magic hypnosis in my opinion was the so called Ericksonian hypnosis, or covert hypnosis.

Why do I call covert hypnosis magic hypnosis... well, because it is something that you also can use in your everyday life, in almost any situation - and if you learn to put it to use you will be able to see magic happening right in front of you.

If you want to know details about covert hypnosis as well as the difference between various types of hypnosis visit this informative site
Best Hypnosis Courses .

On the lighter note, I want to share with you this entertaining (for some people scary) spoof on hypnosis I stumbled upon YouTube - I watched it over and over and found myself hypnotized by the voice, lol.

Friday 6 June 2008

Simple Card Trick: Inseparable Sisters

Here is a card trick anyone can do. I love this kind of magic tricks as it doesn't require any sleigh of hand... this will work even with "slow fingers".

I should do a quick video of this simple trick but my cam decided to have "issues" so here is a written step-by-step instruction:

1. Tell you audience that you are going to find all 4 queens in the stack. As you are picking them out of the stack pick 2 extra cards together with the 2nd Queen so that these cards are underneath the 2nd Queen. Find the reminding 2 Queens and fan the cards out so that only the 4 Queens are visible (there are 2 extra cards hidden undeneath your second Q).

2. Show the Queens to your audience and then place them face down on the top of the deck. ( so that from top to bottom you have: Q, X, Y, Q, Q, Q, ...)

3. Now you can tell a story to you audience that Queens represent sisters that cannot bare to be separated and that they'll do anything to always be together. You can make the story more dramatic if you wish. Tell your audience that you are now going to separate the sisters.

4.Bring the top Queen to the bottom of the stack. Show them the bottom of the deck so they can see it's there.

5. Put the top card (the card No. 2 which is not a Queen) somewhere in the middle of the stack.

6. Repeat the step nr. 5 (now you are placing card No. 3 which again is not a Queen in the middle)

7. Pick the top card (the 2nd Queen) up, show it to the audience and place it back on top.

8. Tell your audience that the sisters are so distressed that they'll do anything to get back together.

9. Cut the deck in half and place the bottom half on the top.

10. Let someone from your audience search the deck. The sisters have magically found the way to be together again.

Try this trick, it's very easy to do.

Have a magical day!

Sunday 23 March 2008

Ultimate Mind Control

Derren Brown. This guy is amazing. I'll never get bored watching his videos and presentations. He is cleverly mixing elements of hypnosis, mentalism and magic into often somewhat controversial performances.

In this particular video Derren Brown asks a person to place a bet on a dog which will almost certainly lose. Then he's going to collect money on a losing ticket. And surprise, surprise... the woman dishes the money out without lifting a brow! He explains how he's done it and asks the man to try it.

In this case Derren is using indirect hypnosis, also known as conversational or waking hypnosis. In other words, he is controlling minds of people without them being aware of it. This is freaky if I think that it could be me who was under the spell! What's even more worrying, you cannot fight something you're not aware of.

This is also the principle of conversational hypnosis. No wonder, this stuff is so powerful. But my question is whether it is ethical to use such techniques of manipulation on people. There are courses in conversational hypnosis freely available on the internet but what if it gets in wrong hands?

Oh and by the way, I hope the poor woman got that money back!

Friday 14 March 2008

Everybody can fly like David Copperfield!

That is if you have a desire to do so and a fat wallet. The desire wouldn't be a problem, who hasn't dreamed of flying! The second requirement is a much more limiting factor .

In the video one of the most mind boggling David's magic tricks is revealed. In a way I feel a bit sorry to know his secret, it was somehow more exciting to believe in the illusion that David had extraordinary powers, that there is something magical, unexplainable I could fantasize on...

Well, that's the case with all magic tricks, once you know how they're done they lose their magic and appeal. So, if you love the magical ambiance of fairy tales and want to keep wondering how does he do it, don't watch the video bellow. I had to think twice but couldn't resist the human nature.


(Note: My thanks goes to the person signed as 'Contact me' who commented on one of my posts and directed me to this extraordinary magic tricks video)

Monday 7 January 2008

Easy Magic Tricks Revealed: Saw Your Neck Trick

Watch the video bellow, it's quite impressive and gruesome. The guy is sawing his neck with a thin cord, which disappears under his skin. Don't worry, there is no blood and he'll come out of it alive. This is just another one of the simple magic tricks you can learn in minutes and impress your mates.

Revealed Criss Angel Saw Trick

Maybe a bit messy with all that glue on your neck. Make sure nobody examines your neck after you 've performed this simple trick. Find some excuse to leave the room ( run to the bathroom to wash it all off). And of course, don't perform this trick in front of the same audience more then once, they would find it suspicious that you have to always leave after you stunt.

More Simple Magic Tricks



Friday 21 December 2007

Cool Magic Tricks For Kids

Have you done all your shopping for Christmas presents? If yes, then lucky you! I tend to leave everything till the last moment. Not so much because I hope to get the best deals but I just hate crowded streets and shopping in general. I wish there would be some simple magic tricks to sort it out ... presents on little legs hopping to my home and right under the Christmas tree. Heh.

Well, as I don't know how to do magic tricks of this caliber (if you do, please let me know!) I'll just have to invent something else.

Internet! Yes, that could save me! Hmm, but there is a problem:

1. Tangible goods won't be delivered on time. OK, then there are downloadables, that's instant. But it's silly to say: Hey, your present is on the computer. People like to unwrap their presents! Well, there is way around it: I could burn it on a CD, and/or print it out and wrap it up nicely. That should do the trick.

2. What to buy? Not everybody likes to read books ... some cool and easy magic tricks would be an idea. Something that everybody would enjoy and have fun with. Google, Google, tell me how to do magic tricks, tell me which one is the greatest?

Cool and Easy Magic Tricks I found

I was looking for an easy magic trick that could be good fun to play with on the Xmas party and finally I found it: "The Little Dancing Man" - watch video here
He's absolutely magic and cute. Here's a quick overview what this little cardboard fellow can do:

  1. He'll stand up on his floppy little legs.
  2. He'll Jump up and down.
  3. He'll Dance to your audience singing and clapping
  4. Shoot him and he'll drop dead and lie limp on the floor
  5. Try as they may, nobody can get him to stand up - only you can make him do these amazing tricks
The price for this simple magic trick is OK for most wallets, $14.97, and the trick can be downloaded straight away. I think kids will absolutely love it!

I'll let you know when I find some more cool tricks. I am not searching for the usual ' how to do magic tricks ' stuff, you know the kind of easy magic tricks you can find all over the internet, it needs to be something special. If you have an original idea for a simple magic tricks present, please do share it with us (hop over to comments section)!

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Simple Magic Tricks & Optical Illusions

Magic tricks are often based on scientific principles although the majority of people don't relate science to magic. Some simple magic tricks make use of optical illusions distorting our perceptions of space, shapes and colors, while others use verbal and non verbal psychological techniques (hypnotic suggestions) to fiddle with our subconscious belief systems and reactions.

Simple magic tricks that fiddle with our perceptions

It is amazing how easily our brain can be deceived. A classic example of an optical illusion is the hollow face effect. The Magic Dragon cut out of paper is a nice demonstration of this type of illusion – it's eerie, his head seems to follow you around like he's alive:

It's easy to make this cute dragon so you can test it for yourself. You can download a copy of the dragon here (it's free), print it out (best in colors) and then just follow the directions how to cut and stick it together. Kids just love this stuff so why not to make one for them?

Another optical illusion fooling our light detectors, is the 'checker shadow illusion' from Edward H. Adelson Ph.D.Professor of Visual Sciences:

What color are the squares marked A and B?

I would swear and bet all my money that A is dark gray and B is light gray!


They are exactly the same color, would you believe that?!
I had trouble believing so I blackened out everything except the A and B squares and here is the result:
(See the original proof and explanation here)

They are indeed exactly the same. Hmm ...

This illusion is for me a reminder that not everything is what it appears to be and that human beliefs (often based on wrong perceptions) have often nothing to do with reality. And many simple magic tricks make use of this phenomenon. Changing human perceptions and beliefs is a corner stone of so called "mentalism" magic resulting in baffling and intriguing illusions.

Friday 9 November 2007

Simple magic tricks : Levitation

There are plenty of simple magic tricks which can be performed by "less gifted" like me and still have the "wow" effect despite their simplicity.

Levitation tricks

Some impressive levitation tricks will require cleverly made constructions and/or special props. For example, if you wondered how this Dutch guy 'Ramana' which has been all over the news did his levitation stunt in front of the White House ...

This is one of many old simple magic tricks originating from India! I was surprised the press swallowed it. If I'd been there I would not have hesitated to grab his butt ;-).

The trick here consists of a heavy frame (hidden under the carpet) which has a pole with a seat welded to it. Baggy clothing hides the seat so only the pole is visible but if you watched the video hard enough you could see the outline of the seat. Just watch this video from India exposing the trick:

Then there is so called Balducci levitation.

This levitation is so simple that kids can perform it and it looks amazing for someone who is not familiar with it... Just in case you don't know this trick, it's in the angle – you need to position yourself
about 45 degrees from the people i.e. if your audience is looking at you from 6 o'clock, turn away from them so that you face 10 to 11 'clock. Then - your feet parallel - slowly tip toe on your right foot (the one furthest away) while rising your left foot off the ground keeping it parallel to the floor.

Try it in front of a mirror, if your angle is correct it looks great. The only problem with "Balducci levitation" is that lot of people, especially kids know it, but that's the problem with most of the freely available magic tricks ... If you want to learn professional magic it's gonna cost you.

Many simple magic tricks are based on optical illusions - you can read more about it in my next post.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Hello and welcome to my Simple Magic Tricks blog

I created this blog with the aim of keeping all good magic stuff together. Here you will find everything on the subject of magic tricks that caught my interest including simple magic tricks for beginners that are not only simple but also quick and easy to learn. Illusions, mental magic, card and coin tricks, and any tricks that you could do too...

The bottom line is, there are many simple magic tricks you can learn almost immediately..